Smart electricity meters


Smart electricity meters, also known as smart meters or AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure), are modern devices designed to accurately measure and monitor electricity consumption in households and businesses.

These meters are equipped with advanced features that enable remote data reading of energy usage. This allows both energy providers and consumers to track their consumption in real-time. Smart meters enable more precise monitoring of energy consumed by individual devices and can provide detailed consumption reports for different time periods.

There are numerous benefits associated with the use of smart meters. Firstly, they empower consumers to better manage their energy. By having access to detailed data, users can identify sources of excessive consumption and implement energy-saving measures, resulting in reduced electricity bills.

Smart meters also streamline the operations of energy providers by eliminating the need for manual meter reading. Consumption data is transmitted automatically and remotely, improving billing processes and eliminating errors associated with manual reading.

Additionally, smart meters can support the integration of renewable energy sources. They allow for measuring and monitoring energy generated by solar panels or wind turbines, facilitating the optimization of renewable energy utilization.

The introduction of smart electricity meters contributes to the creation of a more efficient and sustainable energy system. Through energy awareness and more precise energy management, we can strive for savings, CO2 emissions reduction, and better utilization of available energy resources.

This brief introduction to smart electricity meters highlights the benefits brought by these modern devices. They represent a step towards a smarter, more sustainable, and efficient energy system, delivering advantages to both energy providers and consumers.

ZSK sp. z o.o. provides smart electricity meters manufactured by Kaifa. These meters are direct single-phase and three-phase meters compliant with the DLMS/COSEM standard. The design of these meters allows for the use of interchangeable communication modules such as GSM/LTE and G3. The devices are compliant with both Polish and European requirements and can be customized to meet specific demands of energy distributors.